hello kita alef

and our movie production experience kicks off...
may the force be with us!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

day 3

day 3

Roey pretending to smoke.

day 3

The King and Elvis.

day 3

Roey and Shiri dancing in the Pulp Fiction take off.

Waltz with the Shiri.

day 3

Ortal as Marilyn monroe.


day 3

Ido singing the blues...

Idan with his new high tech super light flapper 2009.

Dana - the "making of" girl :)

Johnny with his Walker.

day 3

"Johnny long socks"

Roey getting ready to look hot like John Travolta.

Roey looking hotter than John Travolta.

day 3

Noga as Clarice Starling and Amir as Dr. Hannibal Lecter.

"Why Clarice, why?"

Make Of - Trailer (Alef 1 - Shenkar)